How ABB Made Efficient Long Distance Renewable Energy Transport a Reality

Many of us in the industry have seen by now ABB’s historic announcement on their new hybrid DC breaker.   The significance of this cannot be understated as part of the solution of taking cheaply produced green energy and transporting that energy to the grid for use.  When  you couple developments like ABB’s with those of companies like LightSail Energy, who are working on the storage of energy, the potential for the economics of renewables being favorable to non-renewables becomes a reality.  That bodes well for all of us.  But back to ABB.  How does the invention work?   For that, we’ve embedded their descriptive video here in our post.  It lasts 1 minute and 37 seconds:

There’s more of course, Magnus Callavik, the ABB HVDC Grids Program Manager, has his own thoughts to share on the invention. Are there other players in this space? Yes, both Alstom and Siemens are hot on ABB’s heels, increasing the ability to transport clean energy, learn more by visiting McGraw-Hill’s Platts Energy Site here, “ABB throws down a possible breakthrough in the 100-year “War of the Currents